Monday, October 5, 2015

Laughter is the best medicine

Okay so question for those people out there that are crazy busy and you feel like you can't keep up with your home stuff, work stuff, clean up the yard crap, keep up with everything crap, etc.

So that is me. Like all the time. I'm always trying to keep up and be as efficient as I can. So, for instance, if I just changed Jack's diaper, as I walk out of his room to the kitchen trash can, it becomes a game for me to see what items I can pick up and put back in their place on the way to the kitchen trashcan. So that later I won't have to pick those things up. I can proudly announce that I did it in one swoop on my way to throw out a crap diaper. Bam! I know you are totally jealous of my skills.

So I clearly needed a weekend away to breathe, regroup, etc. With no children.

When was the last time you laughed your freaking head off? And was just yourself and didn't worry about judgement. You were just absolutely free.

So you can imagine how excited I was to have a weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona to relax, see my fellow lemondropper peeps, have a blast, etc. I was so freaking ready. And oh my gosh - we had the best time.

There were awesome people and awesome discussions going on. So much encouragement. And holy crap let me tell you - I laughed so hard all weekend.

That was seriously the best part. I freaking cracked up throughout the weekend which has left me feeling rejuvenated, connected, and free to be myself. There were random moments of running around a resort during a scavenger hunt trying to find photos. I was trying to hunt down someone dressed as a lemon so I could take a selfie with them. Say what?! There was a Target run (of course) where Missy Elliot is blaring out the windows and the guy in the car next to us didn't pull up next to us at the signal because, well heck, 3 moms blaring Get Ur Freak On from a Honda Pilot could seem crazy to some people. But you know what? Who the heck cares?

Why do I care about what people may think of me sporadically breaking out into a run to find a person dressed up as a lemon? Why do I need to worry about what people will think of me as I do a Whip Nae Nae at a conference? I don't! And it was so freeing.

A random bride and groom kept knocking at our door at midnight because they were trying to find their friends. So I go out to the balcony and yell loudly if it's Gladys. Because I thought it might be Gladys. This got the bride and groom to stop knocking.

My sister asks the server at the sushi place if the fish is firm while she is also making hand gestures which makes all of us crack up. Including the server. Who became really red and couldn't finish his speech about the fish because, hello - firm.

In the car on the drive there, I really wanted to blare some Peter Cetera from the car because I'm thinking Who Doesn't Love Peter Cetera? Well, apparently lot's of people don't love Peter Cetera. Two for sure don't - Natalie and Gladys (be prepared girls to get some happy mail with some peter cetera tunes included on a compact disc). Did I mention I'm a 33 year old mom of 2? Who's not apparently hip? Don't care! Love me some Peter Cetera!

On the drive home, we had to stop to pee. As we are waiting in line, there's two people taking up lots of time in the bathroom which can only mean one thing if you catch my drift. This is why you always need to be prepared with oils so you don't suffocate. Anyway, Nat then comes out of the bathroom hardly able to speak because she's cracking up so dang hard. She starts spitting out random sentences about the toilet and how whatever was in the bowl before her radiated heat. And how the lady before her must have held the heat in as she sat on the toilet. I'm telling you - HISSterical.

There was awesome conversations, goal setting, plans made, etc. And even texts this morning about how we are already working today on our goals. Because we have some pretty crazy big dreams. And guess what? We wrote them all down yesterday. Which makes things real and a little scary. But that's what Lemondroppers do - make really big crazy dreams and then hustle like crazy to make it happen. All while completely understanding that you are never too good to clean the floors. Serving others, encouraging others, helping others - what a wonderful tribe we have found.