Friday, December 30, 2016

Pause. And get your toes scratched.

Hang with me for a sec. Because I will have a point. Eventually :)

At the start of a new year, I always reflect and consider something I need to work on, change, alter, adjust, etc. Two years ago, my goal was to keep up with my hair. May sound completely shallow to some of you but it wasn't. There's a backstory there. I had just had a baby, I felt pulled in a million directions, and I never did my hair anymore. My thyroid started to get crazy. I was put on pills. Terrible really. So me vowing to keep up with my hair meant taking care of myself. It meant I needed to pause, schedule time for myself, etc. That was a really big deal. And I did it. It was also awesome how there was a trickle effect into other things. It was awesome.

So this year, my focus is to pause. Take a moment. Doesn't mean I don't know how to hustle, or work hard, or that it means I stop. But pause. Kind of the opposite of react. How powerful, really, if you think about it. Harsh words can fly out of my mouth sometimes. Me saying yes to something before I think about it. Eating extra bites of something when I'm already stuffed. Some good pauses will be helpful for all of those things.

So I started today with a massage. And it was awesome let me tell you. There's a place I go to over Colima and the people there are legit. It also gets a little wacky sometimes but it's cool. For instance, the guy will scratch the tops of all my toes during the foot massage portion. He will also lift up my legs and let them drop. Like freefall. Boom. At one point today, I was laying on my stomach and he moved my leg into a tree pose position and proceeded to stretch my hips. Amazing. He also kept burping every five minutes which was weird and I really wanted to offer him some digize and peppermint. But then I just went with it and embraced it. I also think he could tell that my upper back has been really tight recently. As he was digging his elbow into my back, I tensed up. And he sort of whispered but loudly said "it's okay." And it was. My body listened to his direction and I relaxed. Pretty dang awesome. I was there for a 70 minute massage. And it was $30. That's some good self care right there.

So why do I have a picture of abundance in this post? Because when I pause, I can remember some good words from the Lord. Like abundance. I have everything I need and then some. We are not lacking. In everything, give thanks. Be still and know. Be still. Pause.

Happy New Year.


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