Sunday, April 19, 2015

Like A Girl

What does it mean to run like a girl?

What just popped through your freaking head? If it wasn't a girl running as fast as she can, let's change that, shall we.

This commercial resonated with me from the first time I saw it:

It is something I have been mindful of as Tony and I raise our daughter. 

And I think we made progress today :)

Today Ava and I were playing soccer out back. She kicked it once not very hard and I heard her say, "Ugh, I didn't kick it like a girl."

My head whipped around - "What did you say?"

Ava: "I said I didn't kick it like a girl." 

Meaning, girls kick it freaking hard and I'm going to try again.

Yep Ava. #LikeAGirl

And Jack will know the true meaning of that phrase as well. 

Let's all teach our daughters that phrase shall we? 

Carry on.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

To the salesman at LA Fitness ...

To the guy at LA Fitness who isn't getting a sale from me: I get it. You're in sales right? Well guess what? Me too kind of. And let me tell you the first thing about sales. People want to feel heard.

So when I walk into your establishment with a kid on my hip and a 7 year old and ask loudly "I just quickly want to know how much this will cost to sign up and per month" I don't need you to shuffle me over to your desk. When you see me still standing and  refusing to move, you just need to tell me the cost. Because clearly, I don't have time to go to your desk. And then when you don't let up so I give in and walk to your desk (so congrats on that move), I will let my one year old tear up the papers on your desk. And guess what? I don't even care. Because at that point, I'm thinking, "this guy doesn't care. And he didn't freaking hear me. So go ahead Jack - have at this awesome guy's paperwork." And when he looks at me like, 'why are you letting your kid destroy my desk?' I'll tell him - "see you didn't hear me Mr. Man. I told you from the moment I walked in that I just really quick wanted to know the cost so I could get a membership for my hubs for his birthday. Did you not see the active child on my hip? Did you not hear what I said? Can you not read body language? Because guess what? If you would have shouted at me "It's 199 for 40 bucks a month or 99 for 45 bucks a month!" You would have grabbed my attention. You would have basically sold me. And then you could have shuffled me over to your desk like the tired mom I am and said, "guess what? We even have child care. And today we have a special for 50 dollars off. You want me to do that for you real quick?" I would have kissed you. And gave you my money. Because you didn't waste my time and you connected with me. But the minute you didn't hear me and all I heard was "I want this sale", you lost me buddy. You need to be a lemondropper is what you need. Holy crap.

End rant.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Her Tribe

I've been dying to tell you this story. Seriously dying. Because it's been a life changer. And who doesn't love life changing stories? Whack jobs I tell you. Whack jobs don't like life changing stories. And bitter people. But there's oils for them so it's okay.

Once upon a time there was a mom. And her daughter was sick. So she found something different and everything changed.

And then she had to tell everyone. Because when things change your life, you tell people.

And then other people started to love them. And everyone celebrated together. Because more lives were changing.

And in the midst of everything, a mom found her tribe. Because she had been lost for a while. Didn't have many friends really. Was tired a lot and never did her hair. Was in a rut. Remembered a time she felt beautiful. But it seemed so long ago.

And now she was talking to people. And texting throughout the day. And helping, and learning, and listening. And doing her hair. And meeting people for coffee. Her tribe.

She was booking plane tickets to Idaho (you da pimp - couldn't resist - sorry) on a whim. And texting her mom and sister at night saying, "You want to go to Idaho?" And they're like, "Yes, we'll go with you." So now she's basically a world traveler.

But most importantly, she is seeing why the good Lord brought her to this journey. And seeing it all come together. And it all started with her daughter.

Miss Ava.

Ava, who's name came to me in a dream and when I woke up in the morning (before I even knew I was having a girl), I told Tony - "we have to name her Ava." Because in my dream, I was a nurse helping deliver a baby. And when the baby was born, I asked her name and the mother told me Ava. And I picked up the phone and called Tony to tell him that the lady named her daughter what we named our daughter. And when the day came when I was going to have our baby, I was heading in for my c-section after being in labor forever, and the nurse says "what are you naming her?" And as I told her, the nurse says, "Why, that's my name."

Our daughter's name is supposed to be Ava.

So now there's this group of people. Who support one another. And help each other. And pray for each other. And it's life changing too. And why aren't you a part of it yet?

The end.
