Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Head Gasket

So I told you I would keep you updated as to how wonderful God is and I had to share how He continues to provide way beyond I could ever imagine.

Fun story - last week our car was shaking when we started it up in the morning. Felt like it was going to explode and I briefly thought about evacuating the car due to a possible explosion but I am also very lazy so I sat through it. Take the car in and people think it's something major like a head gasket. So Tony and I talk and yes, we have the money to take care of it and we praise God that we do. But we also are bummed that we would have to use this money for something like a head gasket rather than have more in our savings. But whatever - God has been faithful to provide. So as we are talking, and I'm voicing my disappointment about having to use this money, Tony begins to list all of the things we do have which of course puts everything into perspective and reminds me that I married a wonderful man who is patient, loving, and strong.

Couple of hours go by and I learn I am getting a bonus at work for the amount that a head gasket would cost. Boy did that just bring tears to my eyes. And it brings me back to remembering that the Lord is so faithful - and why did I ever doubt that?! So now, I don't have to use the money in our savings for the head gasket (BTW - I still don't know what a head gasket is or if I am even spelling it correctly).

Fast forward to today - turns out it's not going to be a head gasket. We are taking the car in this afternoon and the repair should be minimal. So the Lord continues to provide in abundance and why the heck was I even worried in the first place?!

Stories like this have been happening to our family and it just warms my heart to see the Lord at work. Yes, these are instances where I didn't have to wait long for an answer to prayer but even so, it helps me stay faithful that the Lord is working everything out according to His plan. Because it can't be my plan - that's when things DON'T work. So I will wait on Him always.

Side note: I just looked up what a head gasket is (courtesy of Wikipedia) -
A head gasket is a gasket that sits between the engine block and cylinder head(s) in an internal combustion engine. Its purpose is to seal the cylinders to ensure maximum compression and avoid leakage of coolant or engine oil into the cylinders; as such, it is the most critical sealing application in any engine, and, as part of the combustion chamber, it shares the same strength requirements as other combustion chamber components.

So the moral of the story is: Don't blow your gasket - it could be expensive (I know, it's corny but I just had to say it). But if you do, not to worry - God has it covered (if you are following Him of course).


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