Friday, August 23, 2013

We survived!

Somehow we survived Ava's first week of kindergarten. It has not been too easy getting out the door by 7:40 (we used to wake up at this time) but we have all managed to be successful! Only once did she forget her glasses but she told me not to worry - she would be okay. Well thank you Ava for the reminder!

So far Ava seems to be having a great time. She did say she has seen quite a few beatles flying around at recess which put her in a slight panic but she also keeps telling me that they plan to have a dance party at school one day - she just doesn't know which day yet. And maybe I should actually believe her - after all, she was the one telling me she was in a class with first graders and I thought she was completely mistaken (she is in a class with first graders).

Ava basically towers over all of the other children. As she lines up in the morning with her teacher, I have no trouble spotting her above all the other kids. She's also gone to the treasure chest once (she was thrilled) and even got to do some math work on a computer at school - although she did say there were not enough computers for everyone so those kids had to use ipads.

When I was in kindergarten, I think this was my first time ever using scissors and all we did was spread some chunky paste around a piece of paper and glue things on. I remember one time a child threw up and I was grossed out. But that was basically it - you used paste, some ate it, and you went home. It is crazy that times have changed quite a bit. My daughter thinks it's completely normal that ipads are part of your school day. Who would've thought?!

So, so far so good with the school thing. There is some homework every night so that totally stinks - Ava's handling that better than I am. But she's doing great.

And when they finally have their dance party, I will let you all know!


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