Friday, September 6, 2013

What a difference a pregnancy makes

Well, to say this pregnancy is just like my first one is an untrue statement. This pregnancy is completely different.

I'm definitely not as tired like I was with Ava. I'm not as close to throwing up like I was with Ava. But the morning sickness does start around 4pm like clockwork everyday so I don't tend to have much for dinner. But I've really just been praying and leaving it in God's hands that He is taking care of everything going on in my uterus because I can't get in there to see how everything's going.

So far, I've been sick twice this pregnancy - once in the beginning with a high temp and strep throat. Then again last week I had another temp. This of course caused me to google high-temps-in-pregnancy and the results freaked me out so I have vowed not to return to google to ask about anything pregnancy related. I was also in a car accident a few weeks ago. My doctor had me come in recently because they thought I may be leaking amniotic fluid but apparently I wasn't, so they sent me on my way. So part of me is wondering how our baby is doing in there while all of these things are happening around me. Another part of me just thinks there's nothing I can do about it so stop wondering. Life is quite interesting at times, that's for sure.

I am really looking forward to cleaning out our garage before the baby comes! Once we find out if we are having a girl or boy, then I will know what to do with the loads of plastic bins that are piled to the ceiling. I am also looking forward to getting the baby's room ready because this means taking out the eliptical machine that takes up the majority of the space.

But I'm also looking forward to this pregnancy going by slowly. I want to just take everything in because children grow up so quickly. Ava's going to be in college soon (at least it feels like it). The other day she asked me what a compound word was and as I went to answer ( after consulting with google first quickly on my phone) she stopped me and told me herself what it was. And she even threw in a little fancy phrase of "they don't resist each other." Who is this child of mine?!

So we will see what else comes my way for the rest of this pregnancy. And I can't wait to hold both of my children at the same time in about six months.


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