Monday, January 27, 2014

Oh for crying out loud

I am writing this because I am confused. I don't think I know what a contraction is versus a braxton hicks contraction versus cramps versus who-knows-what. I also don't even know if I spelled braxton hicks correctly, but whatever.

Everyday recently there is something going on with my uterus. First, I start to feel warm, and then like my stomach is tightening, which then makes it a little hard to take a breath. It lasts for about 1 minute - sometimes longer. It's not that it really hurts though. But it's not that I'm just sitting there relaxed either.

Yesterday I had quite a few in an hour but then they stopped and I went to sleep. So obviously, a child popping out was not the end result so that's why I think it's not a contraction. But I don't know if that's the right answer.

So today I called my doctor to ask for clarification as to what the difference is between a real contraction and a braxton hicks thing. I don't really think they had an answer either. They just kept telling me "if you have more than 6 contractions in an hour, then go to labor and delivery to get checked." To which I kept responding, "but is it a contraction or just one of those braxton hicks things?" And then they wouldn't answer me but instead ask me something else like "are you drinking water?" So then I would come back around again with the same question thinking they must not have understood me. And then again "go to labor and delivery if you have more than 6." Me: "More than 6 what? Braxton hicks things even though it may not be a contraction?" And again some random comment: "when's your birthdate?" I felt a little like I was in crazyland but then I just figured, they must not be understanding me - maybe I'm not being clear. So I'd throw my question out there again a different way: "So if the tightening lasts for a minute, then it's a contraction?" hoping they would just fire back with an answer already. Nope. I even tried to speak more slowly thinking maybe I'm mumbling and need to work on my enunciation. Oh forget it.

I did not experience any of this with Ava. That girl did not ever make the slightest move to leave my uterus. I was overdue, induced, got to 10 centimeters, pushed forever, and then had my uterus sliced open finally so they could go in and get her. This boy I think wants out. So the only "contractions" I have ever known were when they were coming at regular intervals (and painful!) because of pitocin.

I know people have contractions before their due date - I understand that part. But if something is happening at regular intervals but they ARE NOT PAINFUL, do you still call your doctor? See, I don't want to go to labor and delivery and then find out I'm wrong and have to waddle back to the car embarrassed. I also get that you should go anyway because better safe than sorry. Ugh, things are so confusing sometimes.

So my prediction is that this little boy will be here before my due date. If he's not, I will be very surprised. We also need a name too for our son so if anyone has the answer to that question, that would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe his name should be Braxton . . . ? Hmmm, interesting idea.


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