Thursday, July 17, 2014

Things I know for sure . . .

Ahhhh, children are in bed, my breast pump stuff is washed and drying for tomorrow, and Tony put clean sheets on our bed today - all is well in the world.

I just rubbed a drop of peppermint oil on my stomach diluted because my tummy was feeling a little out of wack. Mommies can't be out of wack. And yes you read that right - I used only one drop. Just one. These oils are so powerful and pure and I respect that. Less is more in the oil world. And then they last for a long time. Ah, I love not paying for Ava's asthma meds anymore. Because that whole med fiasco kept turning into MORE - "oh you need to have her take TWO inhalers now, not just the one." Ugh, no - give me less.

I do love modern medicine too though - it seriously is brilliant. Organ transplants, reattaching limbs, etc. You should have seen how amazing doctors were helping my niece after she was born with a kidney issue that I can't even pronounce. Seriously amazing. And I only saw some of it. My sister saw the whole dang thing. But some peppermint for a tummy issue? Yes please. Hold the Tums.

There are some things I wish I had more of - like time. Or more hands. Or a housekeeper. But that really wouldn't help me now would it? If I had more time, I would just be busier. If I had more hands, they would be doing other things and not focusing on holding my babies. If I had a housekeeper, I would probably feel the need to tidy up before she arrived so what's the freaking point in that?

Here's a list of things I know for sure:
1. The Lord needs to be first. Believe me.
2. I will never buy another Nissan.
3. If you are carrying a bunch of items in your arms, your child WILL find you and WILL walk slowly right in front of you.
4. Always have water with you when nursing your child. As soon as your child starts to suck your milk bags, you will feel like you will DIE OF THIRST.
5. Learning how to type in high school was one of the greatest skills I learned.
6. Getting laser eye surgery will change your life.
7. One day, I will go to heaven.
8. I love my husband more today than I did when we got married.
9. Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Unless your child is screaming. Or unless someone is standing near you with an undercooked turkey leg. Then it's not the happiest.
10. If you have a small child, they will need you as soon as you sit down for a meal.                                    
11. Take care of your automobiles.
12. My arthritis/joint pain is basically non-existent when I don't have dairy.
13. Having good boundaries with people will change your life.
14. Saying no is perfectly fine.
15. Act your wage (shout out to Dave Ramsey right here)
16. My children mean the world to me. I pray for them EVERY SINGLE DAY.
17. You do not need to know how to fold a fitted sheet. If you do know how to fold a fitted sheet, I will still like you.
18. Giving parenting advice is always a wonderful idea (I HOPE YOU ARE PICKING UP MY SARCASM).
19. Never ask someone if they are pregnant.
20. Children will have to poop whenever you leave the house.

Happy Thursday everyone.


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