Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I see why people would run off

I totally get why some people may just drive off to get away. To get some sleep. To find some quiet.

If I ever did this, I would return. Probably after 3 days. Any longer, and the mommy guilt sets in. Plus I would really miss my husband and children. I do love them so dang much.

But I'm so tired. It's not just being a mommy. It's having hyperthyroidism too. I feel yucky quite often. My heart is always racing and I get agitated pretty quickly. I could see how driving off and sleeping for awhile sounds absolutely fabulous.

I've thought about where I would go. Idaho, Oregon, or somewhere in California. Because I know people there and I could visit them.

I have everything planned.

Day 1:
I would hide out at a salon/spa place all day and get multiple treatments: hair, massage, exfoliate, waxing, mud something. Just fabulous.
I'd go for an awesome vegan dinner with some really great adult beverages.
See a movie.
Go to sleep.

And the sleep would be glorious. There would be no child sucking me dry. Other children wouldn't be in the bed. There would be no crumbs in the bed from a child the day before. I wouldn't be teetering on the edge because of other bodies taking up space. I would just sleep until I woke up.

Day 2:
Breakfast and coffee at a hole in the wall place. I'd make friends with some people who worked there. We'd become facebook friends. I'd share my oils and they'd put joy all over themselves. We'd hug.

I'd walk around town and buy a few things. Call home. Find an awesome ice cream place.
Take a nap.

Go to a library.

Find an awesome place for dinner. Eat all of my own dinner. Children would not be eating my dinner. I would not order dinner thinking "what could I get that the baby could eat?"

I'd get dessert.

Call home.

Another glorious sleep.

Day 3:
Pack up.
Read at the airport if I traveled by plane.
Have one of those cinnabon cinnamon roll things. With extra frosting.
Hug my family.

But it wouldn't really be like this. I'd be pumping because you can't be away from a baby without pumping if you're nursing. I'd wonder what my children were doing, what they had for breakfast, did they watch too much tv, did they say something funny? I'd want to get home early to make sure laundry was done for the week. Do we have lunch stuff and snacks for Ava for school? Does Jack have enough baby food? You really can't rest, you know?

Maybe one day I'll do this. But actually no. I don't think so. I'd want Tony to come with me.

So now I just need the childcare  . . . . :)

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