Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What in the hey hey?

If I could rewind time back to when my Ava took meds for her asthma. If someone could tell me about oils before she got sick with pneumonia. But you know, I probably still would have rolled my eyes and said, "thanks but no thanks crazy lady."

Because when we're desperate, we'll do anything, amirite? We will buy crazy oils. We will rub them on our vita flex points (what in the world?!). We will wonder if the oils we bought are first distillation only, cold pressed, etc and then breathe a sigh of relief when you learn they are and are tested by 3rd party people.

You will get invited to a camping trip to YL's lavender fields in Utah. Because YL has their own farms don't cha know. Does your oil company have any of their own farms? Ugh, I sounded like an oil snob right there. #sorrynotsorry

And ya'll know I will use these forever. You know that right?

Because how can you not use something that made you throw away inhalers? How do you not use something that changed your life? How do you not tell the world?

Everyday I thank Him. Because He knows I prayed. And in the hospital, I prayed. And this oil journey has turned out to be freaking fabulous.

Just wanted to remind ya'll. ;)

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