Thursday, March 6, 2014

Moms Just Know

Mom's just know - or they should know probably, or maybe they don't know so if that's the case, then I don't know and just forget it.

But, I just knew that Ava needed an antibiotic yesterday and I was not leaving urgent care until I got it from the doctor. I seriously was not leaving. My huge uterus was staying put in the chair until I was handed the prescription. Which is seriously a little weird for me because I have always just listened to doctors, did what they said, and didn't speak up. But this is what I did last year when Ava got pneumonia - I just went along with the doctor even though her temp kept rising, and even though I kept calling them to give them updates, and even then they still told me it was just a virus and "let it run it's course." And look where that got us? A trip to the ER with a child who had a 106.2 temperature - yes you read that right! 106.2! And how did they treat it? With antibiotics.

So naturally my anxiety started to rise when the doctor wanted to just send us on home yesterday and told us Ava had the flu and to just rest. I will have to say I am proud of myself for remaining calm at 9 months pregnant but also clearly explaining my case and advocating for Ava. Ava had puss pockets on her throat and was coughing up awful green phlegm! And was now running a temp! In my head, I'm thinking "this is an infection." And an infection she has had before that cleared up beautifully with antibiotics and then we were all on our merry way in life. So she listened to what I had to say but then said that she would prescribe Ava tamiflu and cough medicine - not an antibiotic. NOOOO!!! - is what I was shouting in my head. But out of my mouth came something very tame but also very clearly showed that I did not agree and yes, me and my huge uterus are still sitting here until you change your mind.

Now, I'm totally not saying we just always need to battle the doctors we see because most are wise and helpful - not saying this AT ALL. I have tons of respect for the doctor's we have for our family and are great! But I just felt like once this doctor honed in on "it's the flu," it blinded her to see anything else. So hooray to the doctor who took the time to listen to me even though she might have thought I was one of "those moms."

So last night, she took the antibiotic, and after that, didn't cough once, went to school today and is jumping around. It was not the flu. She is doing wonderful!

So listen to your instincts mamas! And when we need to be an advocate, I believe there is a way to do this with grace, manners, but some firmness, etc. Now of course, I have sucked at this on many occasions and just ended up sounding mean and degrading. So I am still working on it. But I want to show Ava it is okay to disagree with people but we can still be kind. Man, this whole parenting thing is so amazingly intricate! But it is the best job in the world!

- Emily

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