Monday, March 24, 2014

Pregnant no more!

Well hooray for a new baby and the return of sleeping on my stomach! Phew - that was a long nine months but our Jackson is HERE and we are sooo excited! He came into the world last Sunday, March 16th crying his lungs out, weighing in at 8lbs 11oz - yikes! That's a big baby!

It started Sunday morning at 4:30am - I was awake walking around the house when I bent over to get my phone - a gush of something nasty came out and I said "uh oh." Tony then said, "what's 'uh oh'?" I said, "I think my water broke." Well, I then proceeded to take a shower, shave my legs and then do what any pregnant mama should do when they think their water breaks - wait for Trader Joe's to open at 8am so I could get some grocery shopping done before we went to the hospital. So I stuck a pad on (sorry for all of this TMI stuff) and waddled around a grocery store. Ha! I am an idiot sometimes. But I really needed to go to the store!

So we get to the hospital and they ask if I've been having contractions. "Yes, sometimes - maybe every 20 minutes or so." So I get hooked up to the monitors and it turns out I am having contractions but not every 20 minutes - more like every 4-5. So they tell us we will be admitted to the hospital. Hooray!

 I ended up having a c-section (I had one scheduled for the next day anyway) and since then, everything has been just awesome. The recovery from surgery this time seems easier, breastfeeding is WAY EASIER, and you just know more about how to care for a human being the second time around - MUCH MORE RELAXING!! With your first child, it's like "here's your child - good luck to you!" and you try to tackle breastfeeding, figuring out if you should pump between feedings, do you change your child's diaper if they are sound asleep, etc - very overwhelming. So this time around - ahhhhh, much easier in many ways. A little tricky though too since there is another child in the mix who still has a jog-a-thon at school, school picture money to turn in - and oh yeah, a birthday party to attend (to name a few). Luckily, that has all gone well too. Phew, what a juggling act. I don't know how people with more than two kids do it - I have the utmost respect for those of you out there! Seriously.

 We seriously though could not have done any of this without help from family. My mom and Tony's mom seriously saved the day with taking Ava to and from school, feeding her, cleaning up dishes, feeding us - it was freaking awesome to just BE and only have to focus on feeding a baby, spending time with Ava, eating, showering, and sleeping. Then my sister came to visit which was great - Ava got to play all day with her cousins, my sister jumped to get me water or anything else I needed - again, FREAKING AWESOME. 

Praise the Lord though that it is Ava's spring break this week and Tony is still off work. It is 11am and we are all still in our pajamas. So that will be the big task next week - can we get our child to school with some food packed, looking decent all before 8am? Hmmmm, we will see.

But seriously, perfect timing from the Lord when our Jackson would arrive - He knew we would need some time to adjust and spring break for Ava was the answer! Seriously. Love it. So my heart is full and our family feels full and I am just so in love with Tony, Ava, and Jackson. My cup runneth over.


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