Monday, October 13, 2014

One year ago . . .

Wow. Nearly 1 year ago, we were driving Ava to the emergency room because our thermometer gave a reading of 105.1. When we got to the hospital, they took it twice - first time was 106. Second time was 106.2 - I nearly lost it. What in the world was wrong with our little girl? I was ready to FREAK OUT.

Every year starting in the fall, Ava would get sick. And every year, it was getting worse.

Three years old - doctor says she has reactive airway disorder. Okay cool. Gives us two inhalers and a pill to take. Doesn't really seem to help her but whatever - follow the doctor. Then gets strep throat. Takes antibiotics. Goes away but comes back. So antibiotics again.

Next year - 4 years old. Gets strep throat TWICE. So two long rounds of antibiotics because again, the first round doesn't quite kick it to the curb. Plus always has her horrible coughing attacks. Getting a little more nervous. But whatever. Do as I'm told.

Following year. Five years old. I'm in the ER. She has 106.2 temp. I didn't even have to wait the six hours in the ER that you hear about - they just took us right in. Doctor came right in as we walked in. Someone came in with a bag labeled "stat" and started drawing blood. And I'm standing there helpless. And pregnant. What in the world is happening? Also thinking "how much is this costing me right now? I mean, I don't care - help my daughter. But oh man. The bill will be coming."

I'm still paying the bill.

That was the week I bought my oils. That was the week my life changed. That was the week I thought, I have to do something else. I have to try something else. This isn't working. Things are getting worse. Forget what I was doing. Why would I keep doing what wasn't working? Just FREAKING STOP.

This year was awesome. I threw away her inhalers and pills two weeks ago because they were expired. We haven't had to use them. She wasn't on antibiotics this past year. She didn't have strep throat. She's good. We're good. Haven't paid a co-pay for her this year. Yes, I'm still paying last year's hospital bill but whatever - at least I'm not adding to it. There are no more tums in my medicine cabinet. No pepto. No claritin. Threw them out. Expired. Haven't used them. We have benadryl for Tony and his epi-pen of course - we're not insane. But other than that? Our bathroom cupboards are pretty bare.

So yeah, nearly one year ago I decided to be different. I wasn't just going to stand there and be told. I started to move. And oh boy. Have things moved.

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