Thursday, December 11, 2014

Freaking Elf

I didn't think I would ever own a freaking elf on a shelf. I was totally against it. I read blogs and articles about how people should hate it and I agreed even though I didn't have one. My daughter wanted one last year so bad. And it didn't help that my sister had one last year.

Nope. Wasn't gonna do it.

And then this year came around. And my daughter still wanted one. And my mom shoved a 20% off coupon in my face to Bed, Bath & Beyond so I could go get it. I really didn't want to. But then we read the book it came with and I thought, "Hmmm, that's kind of cute." And I started to soften.

And now I just freaking love it.

Ava probably only has a couple more years of thinking there is a Santa. She asks me sometimes if there's a Santa now and I answer by asking her, "Do you think there's one?" Not that it will soften the blow at all when she finds out but I feel like I can't say yes. And then we talk about why we have Christmas. Because it's not about Santa.

This little elf has actually been quite fun to have around. It's pretty awesome to see how excited Ava gets to see where Rosabelle ended up the next morning. And I've TOTALLY gone there during a moment of desperation and said, "That little elf is watching you not listen!" Ugh. Yes, don't listen to me and be worried about consequences - worry about what the elf might tell Santa.


Tony's even gotten into it. He'll get up at night to move it. If he leaves for work before I wake up, he calls me and asks during the conversation where Rosabelle ended up. I love that he's a good sport.

My dad wouldn't have been a good sport. My dad wouldn't have even known we had one. But my mom would have got us one. Because she always wanted to do special things for my sister and I.

Christmas growing up is not something I totally remember. I remember some parts but they're not very pleasant. Because when you're growing up with an alcoholic, narcissist, grumpy man, it's not about Jesus or watching how excited the kids are. It's about him. And how everyone should wait for him. And how he's not ready yet. And look you went and started without me because I was purposely making you wait - so now I'm going to pout.

I'll stop. I could go on and on but I'll stop. My oils help me stop. But I will say this - my mom had to do so much. So, so much.

So Christmas NOW is just awesome. It's not just me wrapping gifts or setting up presents under the tree on Christmas Eve. It's Tony and me. And we are a freaking awesome team.

Merry Almost Christmas everyone,


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